It can be a shock for a loved one to see someone fainting. While in many cases this is not a serious issue, there are many risks associated with fainting including the fact that you can hit your head when you fall and it can be very dangerous if it occurs when you are driving or in control of a piece of machinery. Here are some tips to get the treatment you need.
Go to a medical centre
After a single faint it is a good idea to go to a medical centre. They can help to identify any issues that may have lead to one off fainting. Often a warm and stuffy room and dehydration can lead to fainting, especially if someone has not eaten that day. In many cases the doctor can give the patient a review and give some advice for monitoring and care over the next 24 hours.
Go to the emergency room
If the patient keeps fainting, it is a good idea to get them to an emergency room quickly. When the patient faints the brain is deprived of oxygen temporarily, and this can lead to serious damage. Additionally it is a good idea to check why there is fainting as this can indicate there is an issue with the brain, such a tumour or a restriction on the blood flow. Even if the patient has a fainting fit for a period of time and then seems to stop fainting it is important to work out why there was fainting in the first place. They can also assess any damage that
Following the initial review, a doctor may refer the patient for follow up sessions with a specialist. This specialist can work out the reasons behind the fainting and help to work out ways to deal with this so that it doesn't adversely affect your life. Some neurological issues such as epilepsy can present as fainting and can be controlled through medication if the underlying issue is understood.
If a loved one does faint it is a good idea to get them examined by a medical professional as quickly as possible to work out why the fainting occurred and ensure they have no other injuries. In many cases there is a simple explanation for fainting, such as hunger or dehydration. In other cases there may be a more serious medical reason for the fainting which requires treatment.