
When Does Your Child Need to See an After Hours Doctor?

When your child has a fever, knowing whether you need to call a doctor is sometimes difficult. In a lot of cases, childhood fevers don't require urgent medical attention. However, when your little one does require the insights of a medical professional, it's always a good idea to act fast.  Babies Require Faster Attention If your child is under a year old and they have a fever above 38 degrees Celsius, it's always wise to call an after-hours doctor for advice.

Ways to Tackle Osteoarthritis Naturally

Throughout Australia, millions of people suffer from osteoarthritis. As a degenerative condition that can begin as early as your thirties, it can make life painful and frustrating. Fortunately, there are ways you can tackle the condition naturally. Alongside seeing your chiropractor, you can engage in simple self-help measures at home. Losing Weight If you're overweight or obese, your medical team will probably recommend weight loss. Losing weight reduces the amount of pressure your joints feel.

Physio for Jiu-Jitsu: Avoiding and Treating Injuries

If you're looking to get into Brazilian jiu-jitsu then you'll be getting into a sport which requires a lot of discipline and effort but which gives a lot in return. Unfortunately, like with every combat sport, you run the risk of an injury, and trips to the physio to massage out tight muscles and realign the spine are not uncommon. With careful preparation before each session, you can really minimise your risk of injury, and if you do find yourself at the physio there are many things you can do to supplement your recovery.

How Kids Can Develop Back Pain and What You Should Do

When you think about back pain, you may start to think about your age and remember that back pain doesn't come alone. After all, people tend to wear themselves out as the years go by, and poor lifestyle choices can sometimes contribute to issues with their mobility. You may not think about younger people or children in relation to back pain, but the truth is, this type of issue can affect them as well.

5 Simple Ways to Tackle Your Knee Pain

Knee pain in any form soon becomes the bane of your life. In addition to making you feel uncomfortable, it affects your sporting and working activities. Fortunately, tackling knee pain with a combination of physiotherapy services and self-care measures is simple. Use cardio exercises to strengthen your knee Knee pain isn't an excuse to stop moving. In fact, gentle cardiovascular exercises will strengthen the muscles that support your knee joint to reduce the pain.